Certified Arborists
Southlake, Texas
Tree Care & Maintenance
Are your trees healthy?
Tree Pruning
Happy, healthy trees!
Alpine Tree Service provides detailed estimates free of charge for customers. We will inspect your landscape, diagnose any problems and make recommendations based on your individual needs.
Call us directly or complete an email form to contact a representative. All inquiries are answered within 24 hours. To fill out a form, CLICK HERE
Alpine Tree Service is experienced in all types of residential and commercial tree work. We have four Certified Arborists and three Texas Department of Agriculture Licensed Applicators on staff. Alpine Tree Service has earned an excellent reputation through our safety and training practices and exceptional customer service.
1. The leaves on your tree exhibit uniform color, size, and shape appropriate for the species.
2. There is adequate new growth for the species, indicating health and vigor. Dead branch tips can indicate a problem.
3. A lack of insect and disease pests can indicate a tree is healthy, whereas presence of these pests can indicate a tree is stressed.
4. A visible, uncovered root flare and healthy root system provide water and nutrient uptake, as well as stability.
5. A thick, dense canopy contributes to energy production and is typically indicative of healthy trees.
6. The bark on the trunk is intact and without dead patches, areas of decay, or fungal conks.
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